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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

1950's Housewife Challenge - Day 20

OK, 20 days down!!!  How are you doing?

The challenge: You can't say anything negative about your husband your husband...or to anyone else, about your husband. Also, you must say something that you admire or appreciate about your your husband...and to someone else, about your husband.

I hope you are having great discussions about your future, opening the communication and bridging the gaps!  That's what it is all about!
Titus 2:7a  In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works.  Some say that it takes 21 days to create a new habit [pattern of good works] and we are almost there!  We should be searching for new ways every day to encourage our husbands and to support them in a way that no one else can.
Keep up the pattern of good works as it shows Christ through you.
ChristinaLynn }i{

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