Coupon Seekers

If you came to my blog to begin or enhance your coupon journey, start with these tips:
• Not a member of Swagbucks? Scroll to the bottom of my blog and sign up! Earn points for searches you would do on the internet anyway and more!
• Print your coupons here! Click the “Print Coupons HERE!” tab. Make sure to come back at the beginning of each month when the coupons are new again! Remember: it takes a few weeks to get going and the goal is always to SAVE more than you SPEND.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Manna From Heaven

Do you remember the story about the manna God sent for the Israelites?

(Exodus 16)  Shortly after they fled Egypt, where they were servants at the hands of a tyrant, the Israelites began complaining that Moses had led them into the desert to die of starvation.  Moses prayed and God sent manna in the morning and quail in the evening.  The Bible tells us that the manna continued for 40 years while they were in the desert, until they reached the Promised Land. 

There were conditions, however.  The Israelites were to take only enough for their household.  If they took too much, it would spoil and be full of maggots in the morning.  On the sixth day, they were to take enough for that day and the Sabbath and it would miraculously not spoil, but be good for the following day.  Even with all of God's provision, they still disobeyed.  They would take too much, they would go out on the Sabbath looking for more manna. 

It reminded me of our current economic situation.  Now, I am in no way promoting capitalism or a socialistic society.  Don't get me wrong here.  But, can you see the parallel where those who took to much saw their excess spoiled? 

For those of us who are making adjustments in our budgets to accommodate the current situation, are you experiencing God's manna?  For those hard-core tithers, do you know what I'm talking about?  We can feel God's provisions no matter what our circumstances when we trust in what He has provided and live within our means.  But we must live within the means God says, not what we want.  Trusting in God to provide for the next day. 

Thank you Lord for your provision.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You Will Keep Him in Perfect Peace...

Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.  Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

Doesn't it sound wonderful to be kept in perfect peace

This reminds me of those "if/then" statements we used to have to do in math class.  Forgive me, Mrs. Logan, if you're reading this...I wasn't very good at those then and it appears not much has changed! 

If we keep our mind stayed on HIM and trust in HIM, then HE will keep us in perfect peace.  He keeps us in perfect peace because we trust in Him.  The way we show that we trust Him is to keep our mind set on Him.  It's just that simple. 

Airplane pilots landing on a battleship in the ocean "call the ball" to ensure they have their eyes fixed on the landing place as to not fall short or overshoot the small landing strip on the ship.  Baseball, hockey, tennis and football greats keep their "eye on the ball" (or puck) when catching or swinging at it.  They know where their focus must be.  Runners don't cross the finish line looking down at their shoes or up in the stands.  They cross it looking straight ahead, turning neither left nor right. 

Our Christian life must be the same.  Keeping our mind focused on the One who gave His life for us.  Looking ahead at the prize before us.  With just a glimmer of heaven and the perserverance of all those who came before us.  Running the race with endurance that is set before us.  (Hebrews 12:1)

What is your mind stayed on today?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Squeezing God In

We recently went through the steps of registering our two youngest children for preschool that begins in the Fall.  I know, I hear you saying:  "What?  You register in January for classes that don't start until September?"  Yes, we do.  The faith-based preschool our two youngest children attend is not open during the Summer.  They follow the local public school calendar and are only open a few hours a day and only available for a couple of days a week.  It is more of a "morning out" than a day care facility. 

During my boys' first chapel this morning, the director came up to make a few announcements and took the opportunity to thank everyone who had registered their children for Pre-K.  She had mentioned that the program is nearly full, just with current students.  This is an amazing accomplishment in our current economic environment especially because our local board of education provides free voluntary Pre-K.  Naturally, the director received a lot of questions last week about why our preschool does not participate in the free program.  I was blessed and touched to hear the director explain that since the board of education governs the Free VPK program, their curriculum must be used.  Since we would have to use the government created curriculum, we would have to "squeeze God in wherever we could," and thankfully, we are just not about that. 

Well, it got me thinking.  Isn't that how we are as Christians many days?  We squeeze God in where we can.  I really believe this is what God meant about being "lukewarm" and being spit from His mouth.   (Revelation 3:16 NIV)  We turn God on whenever we need Him, whenever we are in trouble, whenever something has gone wrong.  We may even be guilty of turning Him on for praise or to thank Him, when it feels good to us, when we are overcome with emotion.

God is just not about that!  God wants to have a relationship with us.  To walk with us and talk with us as the old hymnal In The Garden goes.  He wants to be the light shining through the cracks in our vessel because without Him, it's just utter darkness.

We hear so often about giving God the "first fruits" of our money.  What about the "first fruits" of our day, our time, of our lives?  Where you can actually hear God's voice and feel the walk with Him. 
  • Have you shared the joy? 
  • What is the melody that He gave to you? 
  • Where is He bidding you to go?   

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Quotable Quotes

The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all of the time.

Julia Child

Friday, January 22, 2010

Praise the Lord for His bounty!

Here is "the take" today.  I am again AMAZED at how when you pray for help with your finances God answers in a BIG way!

The total before coupons and advertised savings:  $202.44, the final result:  $67.50!!!

Here's a little to whet your appetite: 

  • Weight Watchers Smart One frozen items for less than $1 each!

  • Uncle Ben's Country Inn Rice for about $0.25 per box!!

  • Quaker Instant Oatmeal 10 pkt boxes less than $1 each!

  • Dannon Activia Yogurt for about $0.38 each!

  • Air Wick Freshmates refill for $0.50!

  • Birds Eye Steamfresh vegetables for $0.69 each!

Remeber to go to and to find out how to have these amazing results for yourself.

When God Moves

Sometimes subtle, sometimes bigger than a blimp.  When God moves, do people notice?  Do they know it's Him?  Does Jeannine know?  Does Chris know?  Does Jean know?  Does Mo' know?  Does Sharon know?

When God moves through me, do I notice?  Do I recognize His touch?  His words flowing from my mouth and the Spirit's intercession...I have to confess, I do not always recognize.

Experiencing the blessing of knowing that God has used my tongue to touch someone's soul is an AMAZING thing.  "That's Paradise!"  A euphoria that can not be experienced in any other way.  I want this feeling every day of my life.  For the person who experiences peace, comfort, healing through something only God can do.  For the complete interaction of being in God's presence. 

When words leave your mouth and you are acutely aware that they are not of your own doing, every item in your being cries out that they are only possible through His miraculous work.

Yet, I don't put forth the effort I know that it requires.  The daily walk with Him that gives me the freedom of enjoying His beautiful service. 

It's our job to make sure people notice, to make sure they know it's Him.  Because "There's more to this life."

Am I "Abandoning all for the sake of the call"?  Or, am I holding something back because of fear or pride or self-doubt?  Am I preventing God's work in someone's life, that could count for eternity? 

Stephen Curtis Chapman is on my MP3, in case you were wondering..."chasing thoughts inside my head."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Fabulous Storm

What a renewing there is after a storm.  Just moments ago, there were Tornado Warnings, school lockdowns and complete chaos.  Not to mention two three-year-olds that couldn't contain themselves from the feeling of everyone else's stress.  Now, the birds are chirping and there's a sense of calm cleanness in the air. 

Amazingly, the storms seemed to split and the worst of the weather went north, south, east and west to form a realm of impending tornadoes around us.  Reminiscent of life, sometimes, isn't it?  Calmness is all relative to the storms around you.  The weather we had today was strong, severe and threatening.  But, it was a blessing compared to what was happening just a few miles away. 

Realize the dangers around you, but don't succomb to them.  Have an awareness of the chaos, don't become part of it.  Sense the stress, don't let it consume you.  Most of all, enjoy the calm.

And a special "Thank you" to all those prayer warriors out there that kept the storm at bay.  Blessed are the intercessors.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Coupon Information

I just picked up on a great new coupon resource and just have to share it.  Will you be a "Krazy Coupon Lady" in just 10 days?

Check out this link and the rest of the website for great information.  I have her book on my wishlist!!

Bidding Websites

Ok, question for everyone...Have you ever used one of those "bidding websites" that talk about getting a $100 gift card for $0.92 or a 10" netbook for $2.47, etc.?  Are they scams or are they like the internet version of Big Lots??

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's a New Year

This year I am inspired and committed to being a good steward of the money God entrusts to me.  I have been working with the websites: and to help me learn to utilize rock-bottom pricing and coupon matching and am having some spectacular results.  My trip to Publix last week was $142.67 worth of groceries for $47.77.  This week, not quite as good as we were running out of things like Pop Tart and Cereal Bars that weren't on sale.  So, I was able to purchase $182.63 worth of groceries for $76.79.  See the picture above for all of the items purchased.  Just to give you an idea:  Kelloggs cereals for less than $1 per box, Healthy Choice frozen meals for $0.60 each, Progresso Soups for less than $0.50 each. 

It does take some planning and time, but when you are cutting your grocery bill in half it is well worth it.  Take a look at the websites listed above and find out if you can make better use of God's money!
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Recipe of the Week

With the cooler weather, we have been pulling out some old recipes that are very filling for the 10-day freeze we have been experiencing.  Here's one of my favorites.

Chicken & Dumplings Corn Chowder

1 lb chicken
1 roll canned biscuits
1 can corn
2 servings frozen broccoli
1 can whole new potatoes, diced
1 can cream of chicken soup
salt & pepper to taste
chopped onion if desired

Cook chicken (thoroughly) and onion, if desired in medium sized saucepan.  When done, chop into bite sized pieces.  Set aside. 
Place broccoli in microwave-safe dish and cook for 5 minutes.  Chop into small bites.
Add cream of chicken soup, can corn (undrained) & diced potatoes to saucepan.  Bring to boil.
Spray cookie sheet with non-stick spray.  Cut canned biscuits into quarters and place on cookie sheet.  Bake at 450 degrees for 5 minutes (soft dumplings) to 8 minutes (crunchy dumplings).
Add chicken, broccoli & dumplings to saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes.

Garnish with shredded cheese if desired.
Makes approximately 5 servings. 



If you were a fan of my blog at , I hope you will join me here. I had some difficulty logging into my old blog with the change of my email address, so I've had to start fresh. It took me some time to get back into my routines, but I certainly hope to start (and finish!) 2010 strong and hope that you will join me along the journey!