My Mother-in-law had passed away a few months prior and I had recently given birth to my fifth child. It was time to re-evaluate life. My husband has an excellent work ethic and we knew God would provide financially. I love my kids and enjoy being a stay-at-home mom. I needed to find a way to be a woman again, mentally as well as physically. Take the opportunity to have lunch alone or with friends, or “splurge” on a pedicure, sans kids.
Ironically, it was through my kids that I found my sponsor for Thirty-One Gifts. I had only purchased two items at the time and had never been to a party, but the more I looked at the catalog and reviewed the information, I felt God leading me to make a decision. Then, I found out there would be a temporary freeze to join as an Independent Consultant. On the last day before the freeze, I sent in my information and decided that if I didn’t make the deadline, it would mean there was a better opportunity for me down the road. I found out two days later that my application had been received and I would begin my new career!
I had my first party weekend and exceeded all expectations I could have had. I had thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of the women, showing all of the products and all of the wonderful uses, and seeing everyone’s faces light up when they heard the special for the month!
The next month proved to be just the opposite and I found myself wondering if it was all going to be worth it. How was I going to keep this going?
My husband would see my discouragement and remind me that we had decided that if it became too stressful for me, we would walk away. I enjoyed it so much; I wondered how I would ever be able to walk away. But, I couldn’t stand the disappointment in myself. Finally, I gave up control and left it in God’s hands. I knew that if He led me to this, He would provide a way.
As soon as I allowed God to have control, I began to see improvements again in my business. Over the next few months, I went along this “yo-yo” path.
My first six months as a consultant taught me more than I could have ever imagined. My Mother-in-law used to tell me that I had moxie. I never quite knew what she meant until this journey led me to the Merriam-Webster definition.
mox•ie \ˈmäk-sē\
1: ENERGY, PEP active strength of body or mind
2: COURAGE, DETERMINATION strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger;
3: KNOW-HOW knowledge gained by actually doing or living through something;
I have learned that I have more energy than I ever thought possible and the pep I had from long ago has returned. Some would say that I am courageous to speak publicly the way I do in small or large groups. Many say public speaking is their number one fear and yet it seems God has blessed me with this talent, for which I am grateful. The knowledge I have gained is truly priceless and I could never have leaned it without living through the beginning stages of this new career nor without the strength and encouragement of my sponsor and fellow consultants.

I am continuously being taught that the more I rely on Him, the less stressful life becomes. The more my husband sees how much I enjoy this, he wants me to keep going too!
I understand that in order for me to give Him my utmost, in order to see my husband pleased in me, and for me to see myself as enterprising, I have to give up control to my Lord and Savior. In His hands, I can have simplicity and success. In His hands, my worries seem so small!
ChristinaLynn }i{
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