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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Mountains and the Valleys

I was blessed to be in the house of the Lord for two special opportunities last week. First to hear teaching from a woman truly annointed by God - practical, honest, real preaching of The Word. Then, to be a part of the Girls of Grace Conference.

A neighbor and true friend invited me to the women's fellowship at her church and I was sincerely blessed! The event, the fellowship, and the message made an impact on me that I am grateful for.

I found myself, even before the message began, getting easily distracted in my thoughts and letting my mind wander. Thoughts then came to mind that I was not "feeling" what I was participating in. My head was there, but my heart was just not in it. The message God brought home through the speaker was to renew my mind in a way to insist on His presence in my daily life. Also that we have to sharpen our spiritual senses and learn to perceive the kingdom of God in our present reality. As the speaker said, this requires me to see and trust a different reality and to take an offensive posture of the heart, presenting myself for service to God in order to "rise up" in outlasting, enduring victory to overcome!

Then, the Girls of Grace Conference Saturday was a blessing for myself and my daughter. So many special speakers and worship music! I learned how to be a Wildflower for Christ with the three C's: Clear out the contamination, Cultivate with the Son and Water of Life, to become a new Creation! I learned how I reflect God uniquely through His beauty and His mystery in Psalm 17:8, 45:11 and Zephaniah 3:17. I learned that breaking free means having balance and balance means having the right amount of concern, not too much and not too little. Balance brings respect rather than judgement.

My daughter's eyes were opened to the "Wait for Steak" campaign that taught her that there isn't a man on the planet that can complete her, don't look for one and don't expect it from one. This was presented in such a great way to make an impact on teenage girls not to settle for a boy instead of waiting for a man and really detailed what qualities they should be looking for in a man, knowing that manhood is a CHOICE!

I was also blessed to be with friends! I think we sometimes take for granted, or just ignore the need for female companionship, mentoring and accountability that we so desperately need in this life.

And I have truly experienced the unfortunate battle from the enemy since Saturday.

Lord, I pray that You will remove the distractions and competing priorities that are taking me away from Your Word and Your Will. Make my focus Lord, on God and family first!

ChristinaLynn }i{

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