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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1950's Housewife Challenge - Day 19

The challenge: You can't say anything negative about your husband your husband...or to anyone else, about your husband. Also, you must say something that you admire or appreciate about your your husband...and to someone else, about your husband.

How are you doing with your husband's vision for the future?  Courtney made an excellent point HERE yesterday talking about when our vision and our husband's vision are different.  Check it out! 
Colossians 4:6a  Let your speech be always with grace...  1 Peter 4:8b  Love will cover a multitude of sins.  This ties specifically back to our main challenge where it speaks about how you speak about your husband to others.  Be careful even when asking for prayer for ourselves, our marriage, our husband from others.  This isn't an opportunity to "get away" with saying something negative about your husband. 

Keep up the good work, we are in the home stretch now and should be instilling some great new habits to strengthen our marriages and encourage our husbands!

ChristinaLynn }i{

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