Coupon Seekers

If you came to my blog to begin or enhance your coupon journey, start with these tips:
• Not a member of Swagbucks? Scroll to the bottom of my blog and sign up! Earn points for searches you would do on the internet anyway and more!
• Print your coupons here! Click the “Print Coupons HERE!” tab. Make sure to come back at the beginning of each month when the coupons are new again! Remember: it takes a few weeks to get going and the goal is always to SAVE more than you SPEND.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's a New Year

This year I am inspired and committed to being a good steward of the money God entrusts to me.  I have been working with the websites: and to help me learn to utilize rock-bottom pricing and coupon matching and am having some spectacular results.  My trip to Publix last week was $142.67 worth of groceries for $47.77.  This week, not quite as good as we were running out of things like Pop Tart and Cereal Bars that weren't on sale.  So, I was able to purchase $182.63 worth of groceries for $76.79.  See the picture above for all of the items purchased.  Just to give you an idea:  Kelloggs cereals for less than $1 per box, Healthy Choice frozen meals for $0.60 each, Progresso Soups for less than $0.50 each. 

It does take some planning and time, but when you are cutting your grocery bill in half it is well worth it.  Take a look at the websites listed above and find out if you can make better use of God's money!
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1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! I can't believe that you bought all of those groceries for that little bit of money!! WOOOOOOAAAAAAH!!!!! Amazing!!
