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Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Fabulous Storm

What a renewing there is after a storm.  Just moments ago, there were Tornado Warnings, school lockdowns and complete chaos.  Not to mention two three-year-olds that couldn't contain themselves from the feeling of everyone else's stress.  Now, the birds are chirping and there's a sense of calm cleanness in the air. 

Amazingly, the storms seemed to split and the worst of the weather went north, south, east and west to form a realm of impending tornadoes around us.  Reminiscent of life, sometimes, isn't it?  Calmness is all relative to the storms around you.  The weather we had today was strong, severe and threatening.  But, it was a blessing compared to what was happening just a few miles away. 

Realize the dangers around you, but don't succomb to them.  Have an awareness of the chaos, don't become part of it.  Sense the stress, don't let it consume you.  Most of all, enjoy the calm.

And a special "Thank you" to all those prayer warriors out there that kept the storm at bay.  Blessed are the intercessors.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that storm, I was soo scared and worried that a tornado would come and that I would be stuck in my math class. I also thank everyone that was praying for that storm to go away.
