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Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's Roll!

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of hearing David Beamer, father of Todd Beamer, speak at my church.  You may remember Todd Beamer as the voice saying, "Let's Roll!" right before the cockpit was charged on the last plane high-jacked on 9/11.  Interestingly, David's question to us was, "What about 9/10?"

If it hadn't been for who Todd Beamer was on 9/10/01, we wouldn't have known him as a hero of 9/11/01.  We all remember where we were when we heard about the planes crashing into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon, and even Shanksville, PA.  But how many of us remember what we were doing the day before?  Just the day before, Todd and his wife were returning from a trip to Italy that Todd had been awarded for his hard work with his company.  You may remember that Lisa was expecting their third baby.  Todd was fully expecting to fly to California for a company meeting and fly back that same evening to have breakfast on 9/12 with his wife and children.  What a difference a day can make.

But, if it hadn't been for David and Peggy Beamer having raised a God-fearing son, we may not even know the name of Todd Beamer today.  So, today I thank God not only for Todd and Lisa Beamer, but for David and Peggy Beamer and whomever led them to Christ, even though I don't know their names.  And I pray for the three children that Todd Beamer will meet again one day in Heaven.

It would be easy to ask:  "Why didn't God allow Todd to sleep in that day and miss his plane and still be here with his family since he was a Christian?"  Well, simply put, what do you think would have happened that day if Todd and the others who stormed the cockpit hadn't been there?  How many people would have lost their lives in quite possibly, our nation's capitol building?  How different would our nation look today?

I leave you with David's exhortations to us yesterday:
  • Do you need Jesus?
  • Do you know someone who needs Jesus?
  • Hug your loved ones today.
  • Pray for them today.
  • Don't let anyone steal your joy!
ChristinaLynn }i{


  1. Wow! This post gave me chills. . . I, of course, remember what I was doing on 9/11 and part of 9/12, but 9/10 is completely overshadowed by the events of the next day.

    Because I do not know the plans my God has for me, I must exercise my faith.

  2. I also gave you an award on my blog. Click on to see it.

  3. WOW! I am so appreciative! I have never had a blog award before and honestly, don't know what to say!!

    I am completely humbled and grateful for your thinking of me!
