I know, I'm telling my age with this throwback to Jeff Foxworthy!
As Christians, we often hear that we have to "learn to say 'no'," we need to take a look at our lives and make sure we're not over doing it. {c'mon, stay with me here} We need to "be still" and not be so busy.
Wait for it, wait for it!
Okay, but what if we've done that and we're STILL busy? What if the things that are keeping us busy are the things of God, the things He has called us to do? What if we don't feel like overachievers, but the people around us call us overachievers?
Let me put it out there.
Just because the things we are called to do keep us busy - and sometimes, physically exhausted - doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing them!!
If the Lord called you to do something, if He fills your cup, if He blesses you in the doing, if He gives you strength to endure, then you had better be doing it!
If you don't it is SIN! If you don't He doesn't fill your cup. He doesn't bless you. He doesn't give you strength to endure. Most importantly, if you don't, it could cause someone to falter on their path or even worse - not to know God's unending love and provision!!
I'm sure the Proverbs 31 woman was called an overachiever. I feel certain that Mary AND Martha were too!
God called us all to live B-O-L-D-L-Y! To be in this world and not of it. He called us to live in a way that points others to Him.
So, the next time someone stops you and says, "I don't know how you do it!" Just smile, point to Heaven and simply say, "He fills my cup!"
ChristinaLynn }i{
As Your Soul Prospers III John 2
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." (NKJV) Focusing on items that will help you prosper in body, mind and spirit.
Today's Promise |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Coupon Seekers
If you came to my blog to begin or enhance your coupon journey, start with these tips:
• Not a member of Swagbucks? Scroll to the bottom of my blog and sign up! Earn points for searches you would do on the internet anyway and more! |
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Yesterday was a beautiful day here. As I put my little man in the car seat and headed out to an errand, I was amazed at the weather. We turned a corner and as I lowered my sun visor, I could hear my two year old say, "Go away sun, I'm busy!"
As cute as it was, later in the day I recalled the conversation he was having with the sun and marveled that sometimes, many times, that is what we say to God. We think we have everything under control and only bring God into the picture when we need help.
Typically though, at least for me, it's when I think I have everything under control that I truly need Him. When I think I'm getting ahead - without God - is when I fall flat on my face.
Can I get an AMEN?
ChristinaLynn }i{
As cute as it was, later in the day I recalled the conversation he was having with the sun and marveled that sometimes, many times, that is what we say to God. We think we have everything under control and only bring God into the picture when we need help.
Typically though, at least for me, it's when I think I have everything under control that I truly need Him. When I think I'm getting ahead - without God - is when I fall flat on my face.
Can I get an AMEN?
ChristinaLynn }i{
Monday, August 20, 2012
With much anticipation, my two oldest started school today and the anticipation builds as the next two begin staggered start tomorrow.
It was quite nostalgic as we did a practice run on the bike route today and I recalled the last time I rode this route, the twins were in the bike trailer and the baby wasn't yet born.
As hard as it is to manage five kids, a house, a dog, two businesses, etc.; I am honored and blessed to be called "Mom."
ChristinaLynn }i{
It was quite nostalgic as we did a practice run on the bike route today and I recalled the last time I rode this route, the twins were in the bike trailer and the baby wasn't yet born.
As hard as it is to manage five kids, a house, a dog, two businesses, etc.; I am honored and blessed to be called "Mom."
ChristinaLynn }i{
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Peace and Rest
As I was getting into bed last night, frustrated, worn-out, depleted, I picked up my devotional - out of a feeling of obligation, not desire. No matter what, God has the right word for me at the right time.
Here's what He provided me, my manna:
It was a bit like being hit square between the eyes with a 2x4. Realizing that He did not move. He was right there, all along. The entire day was His. He knew my frustrations and the distractions that arose. He knew my feelings. He was waiting for me to seek Him earnestly. Although peace and rest did not come for many hours, God did and does provide. He met me where I was and ministered to me as only He can.
Lord, thank You for Your infinite wisdom. Thank You for continuing to draw me to You. You know my innermost thoughts and feelings. You know my needs and supply them at every turn. You are the all knowing, all present, all powerful Lord and I seek to honor You.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Here's what He provided me, my manna:
"Have you ever noticed that in the quiet darkness of night there seems to be something special about the presence of God? He is always with you, even during the daytime, and you can talk to Him anytime, even when you're busy. But during the day there are many distractions that keep you from focusing on His presence for an extended period of time. And by the end of the day you've often experienced problems and frustration that can cause you to feel lonely and needy. It is then that you can finally give God the time and attention to the one who is the answer to your needs. When you yearn for God in the night, seek Him earnestly, and you'll find He will minister to you in a special way. He will provide answers to any problems you may have, and He will give you peace and rest."
From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.
It was a bit like being hit square between the eyes with a 2x4. Realizing that He did not move. He was right there, all along. The entire day was His. He knew my frustrations and the distractions that arose. He knew my feelings. He was waiting for me to seek Him earnestly. Although peace and rest did not come for many hours, God did and does provide. He met me where I was and ministered to me as only He can.
Lord, thank You for Your infinite wisdom. Thank You for continuing to draw me to You. You know my innermost thoughts and feelings. You know my needs and supply them at every turn. You are the all knowing, all present, all powerful Lord and I seek to honor You.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Monday, July 16, 2012
The "Nonvite"
I was recently involved in a conversation with a friend that left me with some mixed emotions to say the least.
If you're anything like me, I'm sure the title of this post caught your attention, maybe even reminded you of a once favored sit-com that shall remain nameless. I must admit, I would have pegged that term as something non-existent in the "real" world. Something simply made up for a laugh.
How does the saying go, "There's an ounce of truth in every joke"?
As the conversation went on, I was told about a party they were having and further informed that she didn't invite me because it isn't "your kind of thing." Maybe you know the type. An "adult" party where products and items are discussed among women. The types of items that are inappropriate for mixed company and small children. Things that might still make some women blush and many men take notice. I'm sure you know the type.
Whether I should or shouldn't have been invited, whether I would or wouldn't have attended, whether or not it's "my type of thing" or not. These thoughts ran wild as did the childish emotions associated with them.
And yet, the resounding, still Voice echoes through me, "Be ye transformed." "You are not of this world." "By [your] fruits [they] shall know [you]."
Something is different & I rejoice in the truth that others can see Christ shine through this cracked vessel.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Friday, June 1, 2012
Where He Leads Me
Today, as I was driving my little one home from the doctor, a car passed by and I noticed the driver speaking harshly towards me. I wasn't going too slowly, actually just above the speed limit. I didn't cut her off or block her in any way. I couldn't figure out what I could have done to upset her.
Normally in these circumstances, I would hope that she would be pulled over by police to keep her from endangering other drivers. Today, I felt the Spirit call me to pray for her.
So, I prayed that someone would show her love and compassion today. I prayed that she would be safe in the name of Jesus.
Then, I felt the quenching of the Spirit fill my soul.
Where He Leads Me, I will follow.
You see, it's not just in the big decisions that we must follow. It's in the every moment that He calls to us.
I may never see that lady again and may never know how the remainder of the day unfolded for her, at least this side of Glory. I pray that I never forget the feeling of knowing that I know that I know what it's like to obey Him.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Normally in these circumstances, I would hope that she would be pulled over by police to keep her from endangering other drivers. Today, I felt the Spirit call me to pray for her.
So, I prayed that someone would show her love and compassion today. I prayed that she would be safe in the name of Jesus.
Then, I felt the quenching of the Spirit fill my soul.
Where He Leads Me, I will follow.
You see, it's not just in the big decisions that we must follow. It's in the every moment that He calls to us.
I may never see that lady again and may never know how the remainder of the day unfolded for her, at least this side of Glory. I pray that I never forget the feeling of knowing that I know that I know what it's like to obey Him.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Today's Prayers
Today there are several people and situations weighing on my heart and I need to express them here. Not because I haven't been praying for them already, but because prayer changes things, and we are taught in the Bible that we should pray continuously, and because where two or three are gathered together in [Jesus'] Name, there [He is] in the midst.
Lord, You are a gracious Lord and I know that You never leave me or forsake me. You have taught me that You are always there and always know what is best for me and for all those who seek You, even when - especially when - it seems that everything around us falters. Because You are gracious and full of mercy, You allow us to make our own decisions and trod our own path and still You seek. Lord, show me Your Will today and help me and those who seek You to follow after Your Will no matter what the cost.
Lord, I ask that you touch the lives of a few friends today, You know who they are.
You know M, Lord, You know that she needs help in her financial situation and family situation. You know that she is struggling now and has been for some time. Lord, show her Your Will. Give her a glimpse of the wonderful glory You have for her in a way that will leave her changed for You and never looking back.
Sweet Jesus, I ask that you work in the life of Mrs. MB. Don't let her heart be burdened by the struggles and poor decisions of others. Please give her peace that passes all understanding that only You can give. Let her mend fences that can be and be a support for those that can't. She blesses so many, Lord, as You know. Continue to make her a ray of sunshine in the lives of others.
Oh, Lord, dear U, show her Lord, how being out of Your Will in one area of her life can drastically affect all of the other areas of her life. Show her, Holy Spirit, the multitude of Your blessings when she gets this area in line with Your Will.
There's also H, Lord. You know her struggles much better than I. She has some big decisions to make. Show her Your path, Jesus. Let her know that the path she is choosing brings her closer to You and Your Will for her and her family.
Lord, and my little Baby K is running a fever today. Please touch his little body and heal it, comfort him like only You can and Lord, please give me the strength to care for him while he is feeling so badly.
Heavenly Father, I pour out my heart and soul to You and ask that You touch the lives of those seeking You. Bless those who are gathered here today praying in Your Name.
I plead Your blood, dear Jesus. Amen
ChristinaLynn }i{
Lord, You are a gracious Lord and I know that You never leave me or forsake me. You have taught me that You are always there and always know what is best for me and for all those who seek You, even when - especially when - it seems that everything around us falters. Because You are gracious and full of mercy, You allow us to make our own decisions and trod our own path and still You seek. Lord, show me Your Will today and help me and those who seek You to follow after Your Will no matter what the cost.
Lord, I ask that you touch the lives of a few friends today, You know who they are.
You know M, Lord, You know that she needs help in her financial situation and family situation. You know that she is struggling now and has been for some time. Lord, show her Your Will. Give her a glimpse of the wonderful glory You have for her in a way that will leave her changed for You and never looking back.
Sweet Jesus, I ask that you work in the life of Mrs. MB. Don't let her heart be burdened by the struggles and poor decisions of others. Please give her peace that passes all understanding that only You can give. Let her mend fences that can be and be a support for those that can't. She blesses so many, Lord, as You know. Continue to make her a ray of sunshine in the lives of others.
Oh, Lord, dear U, show her Lord, how being out of Your Will in one area of her life can drastically affect all of the other areas of her life. Show her, Holy Spirit, the multitude of Your blessings when she gets this area in line with Your Will.
There's also H, Lord. You know her struggles much better than I. She has some big decisions to make. Show her Your path, Jesus. Let her know that the path she is choosing brings her closer to You and Your Will for her and her family.
Lord, and my little Baby K is running a fever today. Please touch his little body and heal it, comfort him like only You can and Lord, please give me the strength to care for him while he is feeling so badly.
Heavenly Father, I pour out my heart and soul to You and ask that You touch the lives of those seeking You. Bless those who are gathered here today praying in Your Name.
I plead Your blood, dear Jesus. Amen
ChristinaLynn }i{
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Over the last couple of months, things have changed in my coupon world. My dear, sweet husband has been telling me since the beginning of my coupon journey that one day my all-time favorite coupon blogger was going to stop doing what she does so well.
And then it happened.
Since then, I've had to re-learn what I already knew about coupons from a new perspective. In the interim, God provided an opportunity for me to teach coupon basics to a great group of women through my church. Because of this, I've decided to share with you all {I would say "ya'll", but it looks funny when I type it and the computer puts that squiggly red line under it} my shopping list in hopes that you can see exactly what I plan to buy, what coupons I plan to use and then hopefully, what I actually end up purchasing along with how much I spent and how much I saved. In a nutshell, real-life examples.
So, that's my plan. I truly hope you find it helpful and I really appreciate and look forward to your feedback!!
ChristinaLynn }i{
And then it happened.
Since then, I've had to re-learn what I already knew about coupons from a new perspective. In the interim, God provided an opportunity for me to teach coupon basics to a great group of women through my church. Because of this, I've decided to share with you all {I would say "ya'll", but it looks funny when I type it and the computer puts that squiggly red line under it} my shopping list in hopes that you can see exactly what I plan to buy, what coupons I plan to use and then hopefully, what I actually end up purchasing along with how much I spent and how much I saved. In a nutshell, real-life examples.
So, that's my plan. I truly hope you find it helpful and I really appreciate and look forward to your feedback!!
ChristinaLynn }i{
Friday, May 11, 2012
You Raise Me Up
In prayer we must lay before Him what is in us, not what ought to be in us. - C. S. Lewis
Excerpts from The Bible Promise Book for Women:
Ephesians 6:13 (NKJV) Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
I Chronicles 16:11 (NIV) Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
This is what God has been bringing to me the past 24 hours. I'm not sure how to pull it all together, but would love to hear your thoughts.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Excerpts from The Bible Promise Book for Women:
- Perseverance - You've tried everything to no avail. Now what? ... The Lord tells us that after we've done everything we know to do, and have said everything we know to say, to stand. ... The same holds true for every area of our lives. "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." - Margaret Thatcher
- Seeking God - ... God isn't lost - we are. Our search for Him begins when we realize that. ... God desires for us to seek Him because we yearn to know Him.
Ephesians 6:13 (NKJV) Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
I Chronicles 16:11 (NIV) Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
This is what God has been bringing to me the past 24 hours. I'm not sure how to pull it all together, but would love to hear your thoughts.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Monday, April 23, 2012
Kids Say the Cutest Things
I've been trying to teach one of my 5 year old's to knock and be invited in before coming into someone's room. Well, he finally learned his lesson.
After a long day, not feeling the best and getting some cleaning done, I was changing my clothes to get ready to go out for dinner when I heard the door open behind me. I let out a slight squeal in shock and he quickly shut the door back.
I yelled through the door, "You have to knock before you open the door, and wait for someone to say, 'Come in!."
I then heard him, in the sweetest voice, "I don't ever want to see THAT again!"
ChristinaLynn }i{
After a long day, not feeling the best and getting some cleaning done, I was changing my clothes to get ready to go out for dinner when I heard the door open behind me. I let out a slight squeal in shock and he quickly shut the door back.
I yelled through the door, "You have to knock before you open the door, and wait for someone to say, 'Come in!."
I then heard him, in the sweetest voice, "I don't ever want to see THAT again!"
ChristinaLynn }i{
Friday, April 13, 2012
Pray With Me!
The Bible tells us that where 2 or 3 are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst. I don't believe God puts restrictions on that gathering together requiring that it be in-person, so I ask that you join me in prayer for the following people and circumstances. Please feel free to comment and leave your own prayer requests as well.
- Michelle - for God's Will in her financial and marriage circumstances
- V.K. - for parents to have an open & forgiving heart & opportunities to re-build relationships
- Chris - for health and healing and the faith that can move mountains
- Cheri - for health and healing and someone to brighten her day and lighten her load
- The countless, unnamed family & friends with hearts hardened to the wonderful world of freedom in Jesus Christ - may they have a small stream to soften or a huge boulder to break their hardened hearts and open their soul's eyes to the magnificent glory of our Lord and Father, Jesus Christ
- Me - use me, Lord to further Your Kingdom, making me bold and courageous for You
Quotable Quotes
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
C. S. Lewis
ChristinaLynn }i{
C. S. Lewis
ChristinaLynn }i{
Monday, March 5, 2012
God - The Ultimate Multi-Tasker
A good friend told me one time that there are certain things about our beliefs - and they may be different for each of us - that we just can not wrap our minds around. We must accept these things on faith alone because our finite brains can not comprehend the endless possibilities of an Infinite Creator. For her, I believe it was the Trinity, how one God can be three and yet still be One.
For me, at least for today, it is God's omnipresence. You've heard the saying, "Wherever you are, be all there." God is truly everywhere. Not the way we are, spread so thin that we do a lot of things, but don't do any of them well. He is fully present here with me, just as much as He is fully present on the other side of the world with someone else, and just as much as He is fully in Heaven with the saints and those who have passed before us.
It is more than my finite brain can comprehend, but I delight in the knowledge that one day, I will see Him face to face. Never more to wonder how He does what He does. Simply delighting in His presence.
Lord, teach me today how to live in Your presence and be all there.
ChristinaLynn }i{
For me, at least for today, it is God's omnipresence. You've heard the saying, "Wherever you are, be all there." God is truly everywhere. Not the way we are, spread so thin that we do a lot of things, but don't do any of them well. He is fully present here with me, just as much as He is fully present on the other side of the world with someone else, and just as much as He is fully in Heaven with the saints and those who have passed before us.
It is more than my finite brain can comprehend, but I delight in the knowledge that one day, I will see Him face to face. Never more to wonder how He does what He does. Simply delighting in His presence.
Lord, teach me today how to live in Your presence and be all there.
ChristinaLynn }i{
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Publix RULES!
I had an AWESOME time shopping at Publix this morning! Not only are they always the most friendly and clean store in the neighborhood, their prices are just THE BEST!
I filled up my cart again today with over $150 worth of groceries. I am thrilled to say that I only spent $58.69, and saved $114.18!!!!
God is good, all the time!
ChristinaLynn }i{
I filled up my cart again today with over $150 worth of groceries. I am thrilled to say that I only spent $58.69, and saved $114.18!!!!
God is good, all the time!
ChristinaLynn }i{
Friday, January 20, 2012
Startling Statistics

To think that 1 in every 4 women will personally experience domestic violence means that EVERY woman knows someone who has (or will) experience it.
If a girl's self-esteem peaks at the young age of 9, before most have even begun to develop into women, it's no wonder that only 2% of women believe they are beautiful and it makes the 62% of girls being insecure about themselves seem too low.
Then to think that 7 out of 10 think they are not good enough. Not good enough for who?
I am reminded of songs by Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman and Mandisa. If we could ever truly see ourselves as God made us, would we see the picture perfect, true beauty that only the fingerprints of God could create?
And at the same time, I feel the nagging in the back of my head saying, "You do that. You think that way. You're in those statistics too."
February is National Self-Esteem Month.
What will YOU do to improve those statistics in your life and the life of someone you love?ChristinaLynn }i{
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A Plight for Flight
Today it is my priviledge to share with you the plight of a man near and dear to my heart, "ole Blake."
You'll love his story and I hope that you'll share his story and if you can, support his causes. Here's a little about him, in his own words:
Trusting in God's love to share this story and hoping it reaches the world!
ChristinaLynn }i{
You'll love his story and I hope that you'll share his story and if you can, support his causes. Here's a little about him, in his own words:
- "Cold and peaceful tonight, a great day for me again, I got to help a student with his science project, His dad is military and deployed overseas, I like being a stand in Dad when it comes to helping kids to learn and understand, Guess I should have truly been a real teacher instead of just teaching how to build model planes. After my bout with death in 1974, I awoke knowing that what part of my life was not spent in earning a living and suporting my family, was to be spent in helping others. For years I tried this and that helping foks and I felt good about doing it..but I also felt that there was something else, another way that I should helping, then one day, I discovered that I love helping kids to learn to build model airplanes, I also learned that I could teach them a lot more than building if I used the plane building as examples of things in real life too, like 'Integrity' of a glue and then relating what integrity meant otherwise. Likewise about being 'honest' about whether or not you completed all the steps in the plan. As we built, the kids learned to trust me and I came to realize that some of my answers to their questions were opinions right off the top of my head with no real foundation to the answers. It was then that I returned to school, not for a degree but to learn to give qualified answers to their questions. My reasoning, though faulty it may be was that if they trusted me, what I might tell them just might affect the way they lived their lives. And I did not want to give bad advice. Although not formally, I am still going to school to learn how to answer their question and teach them even more about life as I learn it. Now perhaps you may understand why I want to build my 'Legacy of Wings Project' and why ole Blake is happy in his heart, but empty in his pocketbook"
- "Hello Folks, Blake Walston here, 69 years young. Just an old man who is happily married for 49 years (August 1, 2011) and who builds, teaches, flies model airplanes, and enjoys internet conversation with good people world wide. I have a dream to share that I want to make happen. I am too old to solicit funds to make this dream come true and I have no gimmicks or sales pitches, just want to share an old man’s dream of a legacy that I want to leave behind. I ask only for prayers if you are a praying person and good wishes if you are not.
This is the dream: Legacy of Wings Project: The purpose of Legacy of wings is help kids and young adults find the careers that they love, to find work that they enjoy and by doing so, my hope is that they will learn how to fly not particularly in the air but in their hearts and minds. It is a pure joy to work around someone that loves their work. It creates a very happy atmosphere." Read more about the Legacy of Wings Project here. - "Because of a bankruptcy by our landlord, we received notice December 30, that we are going to be evicted from our home unless we can pay off 80% of the balance which is $20,000, we need to come up with $16000 dolllars, Our retirement pay is not great enough to borrow the money. If there is a way that we can get 500 people to donate 30 dollars we will own the house free and clear. If anyone cares to donate I have a paypal account at this address: ablaker2@sbcglobal.net I thank you in advance for spreading the word And if there is ever a way to repay it, I will. If you care to google our home, we are located at 114 Cardinal Ave. Perry, Georgia, 31069 My cell phone is 478-997-1653, I want to be sure folks know this is not a scam."
Trusting in God's love to share this story and hoping it reaches the world!
ChristinaLynn }i{
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Words From The [Not So] Rich and [In]Famous
I've been doing some reading since the new year began, compliments of my new digital reader that I am falling in love with. But, since most of my reading is done late at night after everyone (and I do mean everyone) is in bed, I hope it makes sense to the rest of the world and you all don't mind me sharing some quotes with you.
E.L. Doctorow: "Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."
Taken from Rules to Live By written by Jerry White
ChristinaLynn }i{
E.L. Doctorow: "Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."
Taken from Rules to Live By written by Jerry White
ChristinaLynn }i{
Friday, January 6, 2012
God Helps Those...
Who help others.
I know that's not how the saying goes, but I do think it's way more accurate.
Here's a chance to prove me wrong:
"Just for those who have not seen this before. From The Walston's house, we wish you a great New Year. May you live in good health, aquire enough wealth to keep you safe and warm and enough love to fill your life with some left over to share. Now a special request that I am very reluctant to make. Because of a bankruptcy by our landlord, we received notice December 30, that we are going to be evicted from our home unless we can pay off 80% of the balance which is 20,000, we need to come up with 16000 dolllars, Our retirement pay is not great enough to borrow the money. If there is a way that we can get 500 people to donate 30 dollars we will own the house free and clear. If anyone cares to donate I have a paypal account at this address: ablaker2@sbcglobal.net I thank you in advance for spreading the word. And if there is ever a way to repay it, I will. If you care to google our home, we are located at 114 Cardinal Ave. Perry, Georgia, 31069 My cell phone is 478-997-1653, I want to be sure folks know this is not a scam. Hugs and May God Bless Regards ole Blake Please do not contribute if it would in anyway cause material injury to yourself or family"
This is a man who spends as much of his "free" time as possible giving to others. He's now in need of help and God has already shown up in a BIG way and I have no doubt we will soon be hearing a shout of hooray all the way from Perry, Ga to let us know the goal has been met!
Will you be part of it?
ChristinaLynn }i{
I know that's not how the saying goes, but I do think it's way more accurate.
Here's a chance to prove me wrong:
"Just for those who have not seen this before. From The Walston's house, we wish you a great New Year. May you live in good health, aquire enough wealth to keep you safe and warm and enough love to fill your life with some left over to share. Now a special request that I am very reluctant to make. Because of a bankruptcy by our landlord, we received notice December 30, that we are going to be evicted from our home unless we can pay off 80% of the balance which is 20,000, we need to come up with 16000 dolllars, Our retirement pay is not great enough to borrow the money. If there is a way that we can get 500 people to donate 30 dollars we will own the house free and clear. If anyone cares to donate I have a paypal account at this address: ablaker2@sbcglobal.net I thank you in advance for spreading the word. And if there is ever a way to repay it, I will. If you care to google our home, we are located at 114 Cardinal Ave. Perry, Georgia, 31069 My cell phone is 478-997-1653, I want to be sure folks know this is not a scam. Hugs and May God Bless Regards ole Blake Please do not contribute if it would in anyway cause material injury to yourself or family"
This is a man who spends as much of his "free" time as possible giving to others. He's now in need of help and God has already shown up in a BIG way and I have no doubt we will soon be hearing a shout of hooray all the way from Perry, Ga to let us know the goal has been met!
Will you be part of it?
ChristinaLynn }i{
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
A New Year
As we embark on a new year, there are so many tasks and activities to be done to prepare ourselves for success. A new year provides us a great opportunity to take inventory of our lives. Spiritual. Mental. Physical. Financial. Social. Things like updating budgets, home organizing, goal setting become commonplace in our vocabulary.
While we go through this process, it is also a wonderful opportunity to take inventory of our blessings. To "name them one by one," just as the old song states. Keeping in mind that blessings sometimes come in wolves clothing. My sister once wrote this (I hope she still believes it):
Be thankful for the valley,
There will always be those who have it better or worse than we do and there will always be times that were better or worse for us. Regardless of better or worse, we need to be able to not only live in the circumstances we are currently in, but learn how to thrive and be joyful in any circumstance.
Praising Him through it all.
ChristinaLynn }i{
While we go through this process, it is also a wonderful opportunity to take inventory of our blessings. To "name them one by one," just as the old song states. Keeping in mind that blessings sometimes come in wolves clothing. My sister once wrote this (I hope she still believes it):
Be thankful for the valley,
It means you've just come off one mountain and are heading towards another.
Be thankful for illnesses,
Without them good health wouldn't mean as much.
Be thankful for the time, however long or short, you had with your loved one before God called them home,
Those precious memories will be with you until you see them again.
Be thankful for your family, even when they drive you crazy,
Without them you'd be alone in this world.
Be thankful for the lean times,
They make the wealthy times that much sweeter.
Be thankful for your sins,
They're why Christ died for you!
---Michelle Rodgers
Praising Him through it all.
ChristinaLynn }i{
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